Oncology Massage

Oncology Massage


With modifications and care, massage can be appropriate for nearly all clients in their journey before, during, and after cancer treatments. For many clients, symptoms from surgeries and treatments can persist for years, creating a need for educated massage that is conscious of restrictions, compromised body systems, and medication side effects.  Massage may be helpful for many of the symptoms accompanying cancer treatment, including pain, nausea, and fatigue, as well as potentially decreasing anxiety and depression. Many clients simply look forward to regular massage as it feels good and provides a welcome break from uncomfortable medical procedures and stress. It is also an amazing gift to give to caregivers!

Oncology massage differs from regular massage in that sessions are often shortened based on your energy level, special bolstering and positioning is used to compensate for painful areas and medical devices, massage pressures are reduced so as to avoid taxing the body systems, and permission from your doctor may be required in additon to a detailed health history intake.